Fast, disk space efficient package manager | pnpm

Parcel - The zero configuration build tool for the web.

Links / Subpages

Dependency Management

Development Workflow

Linting & Formatting

Building and Publishing

Bulletin boards / Currently important Notes

<aside> ❗ Parcel behaving strangely Parcel seems to behave weird when there is a package.json, a package-lock.json, or some similar file somewhere higher up the file tree. So if you experience any strange behavior, look for such a file higher up in the file tree and delete it. This fixed a lot of issues I had.


Setting up the development environment

Install the dependencies:

pnpm install

You can also run pnpm install when anything about your dependencies becomes out of date to fix it back up:

“pnpm can automatically resolve merge conflicts in pnpm-lock.yaml. If you have conflicts, just run pnpm install and commit the changes.”

Working with Git | pnpm

Run installed binaries / CLIs

pnpm exec eslint --ext '.ts,.js,.tsx' --no-error-on-unmatched-pattern packages

<aside> 💡 It’s not possible to simply call ./node_modules/.bin/eslint! pnpm exec is required to set the correct aliases / dependency links for executing the dependency’s executable.


Running stuff in workspace’s packages

pnpm -r, --recursive | pnpm